All Films

  • Paykan

    Directed by Kamran Shirdel • 1969 • Iran
    A Short industrial documentary about the Paykan automobile assembly plant using no words.

  • Pearls of the Persian Gulf: Dubai

    دبی مروارید خلیج فارس
    Directed by Kamran Shirdel • 1975 • Iran
    In the early 1970s, Shirdel travelled around the Persian Gulf making documentaries about the new states emerging there. In the just-formed Emirates, he befriended Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and the film features footage of...

  • Persian Garden

    باغ ایرانی
    Directed by Bahman Kiarostami • 2004 • Iran
    Persian Garden, gives a behind-the-scenes look at the largest and most ambitious art exhibition in Iran since the 1979 Islamic revolution. Curator Faryar Javaherian invited over thirty renowned Iranian artists to respond to a theme that is pa...

  • Pilgrimage

    Directed by Bahman Kiarostami • 2004 • Iran
    Despite the threat of mines, assassination, and death by dehydration and starvation determined Shiite Muslims as many as 3,000 a day, have been pouring across the Iran-Iraq border since the fall of the Iraqi government. They risk their lives for o...

  • Plane Grove

    Directed by Hadi Afarideh • 2014 • Iran
    The 17km Vali Asr street with 60,000 plane trees connects the south of Tehran to the North. Afarideh's film portrays past hundred years of modern Tehran by looking at the longest street in the Middle East as a manifestation and remembrance of socia...

  • Platform

    صفر تا سکو
    Directed by Sahar Mosayebi • 2021 • Iran
    A Rocky-esque tale of determination and grit, Platform follows of three Iranian sisters as they compete to become international champions of Wushu, a Chinese martial art. The sisters thrilling underdog story explores not only their dedicated tra...

  • Playing with Fire

    Directed by Anneta Papathanassiou • 2014 • Greece
    In Afghanistan, women deciding to be actors make a dangerous choice. Banned under Taliban rule (1994-2001), Afghan theater is experiencing a comeback with many women at the forefront. But with powerful forces of Islamic fundamentalism, a resu...

  • Poets of Life

    شاعران زندگی
    Directed by Shirin Barghnavard • 2017 • Iran
    The Parsi family - including their two sons, who have stayed to farm with their parents - has instituted innovations in rice production. They promote sustainable farming and refrain from using chemical pesticides and fertilizers. In a regi...

  • Pure White

    سفید ناب
    Directed by Farnaz Tabrizi, Pouria Nouri • 2021 • Iran
    Pure White explores the professional life of Parviz Fanizadeh, Iranian actor of the 60s and 70s cinema and theatre, through archival footage of his works and referring to his fellow artists.

  • Puzzleys

    Directed by Mehdi Ganji • 2018 • Iran
    "Puzzleys" is the name of a four-member group of IT students who, in spite of suitable job opportunities and the opposition expressed by their families, want to start up their own business. Other than their education and determination, all they have ...

  • Qelich

    Directed by Pouria Nouri • 2020 • Iran
    Vahid Qelich, the former coach & goalkeeper of popular Iranian Football Club; Persepolis, was, in effect, ousted from football pitches after his golden era.
    He experienced hard days and over time, football fans forgot the honors he brought for his home...

  • Radiograph of a Family

    رادیوگرافی یک خانواده
    Directed by Firouzeh Khosrovani • 2020 • Norway/Iran/Switzerland
    “Mother married a photo of Father,” says director Firouzeh Khosrovani in the opening of this deeply personal documentary. She’s not speaking metaphorically though. Her mother Tayi literally married a portrait o...

  • Red Lipstick

    Directed by Shiva Sanjari • 2019 • Iran
    Marriage and being wanted by men are still a significant issue in Iranian patriarchal
    society. The meaning of beauty and its criteria is dramatically transformed in the past 40
    years with mandatory hijab in the Islamic Revolution.

    Masoumeh, a single 3...

  • Reluctant Bachelor

    Directed by Mehdi Bagheri • 2011 • Iran
    This film is about the director himself who is 30 years old and still living with his parents. It is his brother’s wedding and since he is not on a speaking terms with his father, he doesn’t attend the reception. He tells his story while trying to re...

  • Residents of One Way Street

    اهالی خیابان یکطرفه
    Directed by Mehdi Bagheri • 2015 • Iran
    Residents of One Way Street is a documentary about the lives and memories of six residents of one street in Tehran: The current ‘Si-ye Tir’ or the former ‘Qavam-o-Saltaneh’ Street, located in District 12 of Tehran. This street is situate...

  • Reunion with Mokarrameh

    میعاد با مکرمه
    Directed by Ebrahim Mokhtari • 2010 • Iran
    (The second part of a two-part documentary)

    Mokarrameh's home overflows with vivid paintings, giving insight into the lives of Iranian women. Mokarrameh, a widow in a rural Iran, once owned a beloved cow. She had to seek grass on a long a...

  • Rites of Spring

    آداب بهاری
    Directed by Ali Asghar Agahbanaei • 1982 • Iran
    An experimental documentary that takes world-building to an entirely new level, Rites of Spring showcases fragments of Iran’s history before, during, and after the Revolution of 1979. It begins with scenes of daily life, working-class peo...

  • Runaway

    Directed by Kim Longinotto, Ziba Mir-Hosseini • 2001 • Iran/UK
    Runaway Follows the stories of five young girls who arrive at a refuge in Iran’s capital city Tehran, having run away from abusive or neglectful families. Some are in despair, others are simply mischievous; but somehow they must ...

  • Saman

    Directed by Sohrab Kavir • 2021 • Iran
    This film documents Saman’s final attempt to convince his father, an army lieutenant, to get him treatment in America and new development that changes their entire family forever.

  • Scorpio

    Directed by Faride Saremi, Omid Hashemlou • 2010 • Iran
    In 1971 three young musicians set out to perform the euphoric rock’n roll and latin hits of their time on the stages of Tehran. Bahram Amin Salmasi (bass guitar), Baram Saidi (guitar) and Eini Keivanshokooh (drums), along with Eric ...

  • Search For Freedom

    Directed by Munizae Jahangir • 2003 • Pakistan
    SEARCH FOR FREEDOM traces the dramatic social and political history of Afghanistan from the 1920s to the present through the stories of four remarkable women: Princess Shafiqa Saroj, sister of the beloved progressive King Amanullah (1919-1929); ...

  • Search One

    جستجو: یک
    Directed by Amir Naderi • 1980 • Iran
    Amir Naderi's first feature documentary in which he searches for those who went missing after the massacre of ‘Black Friday’ on September 8, 1978.

  • Seconds of Lead

    ثانیه‌های سربی
    Directed by Seyed Reza Razavi • 2013 • Iran
    While conducting research for her new book about the events of 8 September 1978, when dozens of demonstrators were killed by the Shah’s army, Iranian novelist Narges Abyar comes across a documentary which includes an interview with a cine...

  • See You Tomorrow Elina

    فردا می‌بینمت الینا
    Directed by Rakhshan Banietemad • 2011 • Iran
    My daughter, Baran's childhood in the 1980s coincided with the Iran-Iraq war and the bombardment of large Iranian cities such as Tehran. Terrifying sleepless nights were followed by the next morning’s involvement in daily life whic...